An integrated and computational environment for the analysis of markers of endothelial dysfunction, multi-detector computed tomography transthoracic echocardiography and advanced functional imaging following aortic valve replacement with transcatheter technology (TAVR) and conventional surgery (SAVR)
Progetto finanziato a valere sul P.O.C. FESR SICILIA 2014/2020, Azione 1.1.1

EndoTAVI at glance:
- EndoTAVI stands form ‘endothelial function’ and ‘transcatheter aortic valve implantation’ / ‘replacement’ (TAVI / TAVR)
- The EndoTAVI project aims to create an integrated environment to investigate micro- and macromarkers of early endothelial and structural prosthesis dysfunction following aortic valve replacement with surgical and transcatheter prostheses in patients affected by severe aortic valve stenosis.
- Aortic valve stenosis is the most common heart valve disease worldwide, and aortic valve replacement is the gold standard of treatment. However, the durability of prosthetic valves and host-prosthesis interactions remains an important issue.
- Hence, the aim of the EndoTAVI project is to generate a computational and hybrid environment to detect and diagnose early markers of surgical and transcatheter prosthesis dysfunction at the central (i.e. the aortic root) and peripheral levels (i.e. brachial artery), with the aid of advanced imaging.
Who we are
Principal Investigators (PIs):
Vincenzo Pernice MD
Prof. Francesco Cappello
Software Engineer:
S.E. Marco Spadaro
Project managers:
Ing. Salvatore Mammoliti
Programma del 18 Novembre 2023 – Congresso EndoTAVI
Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, Via dei Cartari, 18 – Palermo
Novembre 9, 2023
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17 e 18 Novembre 2023 Congresso EndoTAVI Annuale, Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, Palermo
In allegato il programma
Novembre 9, 2023
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Dipartimento di Chirurgia Cardio-Toraco-Vascolare, GVM Care&Research Maria Eleonora Hospital,
Viale della Regione Siciliana 1571,
90135 - Palermo, Italy -
Istituto Euro-Medirerraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia, IEMEST
Via Michele Miraglia 20,
90139 - Palermo, Italy -
K2 Innovazione srl
P.zza Ing. Panvini, 2,
94100 - Enna, Italy -
Intent srl
Via Nunzio Nasi 51,
93010 - Milena (CL), Italy