
National – International Meeting presentation

  1. The original study: ‘Feasibility of echocardiographic evaluation of anatomical sinus after transcatheter aortic valve replacement and their role in valve performance’ has been accepted for presentation at the 31 National meeting of the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Cardiaca.
  1. The original study ‘Hypoattenuated thickening lesions following transcatheter aortic valve replacement’ has been accepted for presentation at the 44 National Congress of the Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology.
  1. The original study ‘Stent frame decoupling following self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement’ has been accepted for presentation at the 44 National Congress of the Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology.
  1. The EndoTAVI teams was present at the ESC congress Amsterdam presenting the original paper:
  1. The EndoTAVI team was present at Wien for the latest EACTS (European Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons) congress presenting: